Kingdom Hearts introduced me to the world of Final Fantasy, and both games hold special places in my heart. from that first game, through the Advent Children film, and up to the present with Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Looking at the evolution of Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace, etc. It has been so amazing to see those designs develop over time as graphics have enhanced and more details are being added. At the time, it was the first Final Fantasy game that was moving into the realm of 3-D models. The graphics, even to this day, still hold up. It allows me to take my time to plan out a strategy to tackle the enemy, and in a game like FFVII, that is very much needed and appreciated. I actually really enjoy turn-based systems. Turn-based gameplay can be hit or miss, and you either love it or hate it. I didn’t have much interaction with JRPGs and turn-based gameplay until I played this game. The music is where it really elevates it and brings it to life. The storyline is only part of the immersive environment. Uematsu, in my opinion, belongs up there with composers like John Williams with all that he brings to his works. I still get goosebumps every time I hear that “…” and then the violins just kick in. How many villains can say that their theme music has a beautiful operatic vocalization of their name? Not many. As I said before, I will go to BAT and say that “One-Winged Angel” is the best villain song of ANY video game.
I mean, who doesn’t like searching for materia from the comfort of their bed?! It was through playing on my PSP that I finally got to experience the world of Final Fantasy VII several years later.

I downloaded the game to my system and then transferred it to my PSP so I could play on the go. And that’s when I FINALLY got to experience the original 1997 classic.
With the Playstation 3, Sony started releasing “classic” games to download to the system. I wanted to play these games so bad that all I wanted that year for my birthday was a PSP JUST for that game.

I actually started my journey with Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. FIGHT ME! Now I didn’t get my hands on a copy of the PS1 version for A LONG TIME, and I “officially” got introduced to the world of FFVII through the PSP (Playstation’s first handheld console). Final Fantasy VII, released by Squaresoft for the Playstation 1 in 1997, has since accumulated a cult following and is arguably one of the best video game stories in history WITH one of the BEST video game soundtracks out there. As soon as I saw that one-winged goth blondie working alongside Hades, I KNEW he had to be min-er I mean, I had to know more about him. Kingdom Hearts was my gateway into JRPGs and the realm of Final Fantasy. TO THIS DAY, I get chills every time I hear Utada Hikaru’s Simple and Clean (PLANITb Remix). While it was aggravating to start over each time, I never got tired of the opening. Back to the video store to return it, and the cycle repeated almost every Friday. Alas, I only got so far, and the weekend was over. I went so far as to leave my system on all night which, in retrospect, probably didn’t help my parents’ electrical bill any– sorry, Mom and Dad. Now, do you remember how I said I didn’t have a memory card? Well, I spent that entire weekend trying to get as far into the game as possible before I had to return it. I took that game home that weekend and was introduced to Squaresoft’s world of Kingdom Hearts. Donald Duck and Goofy?! And that dear readers were when my gaming life changed. Upon further examination of the cover, I noticed characters I had grown up with. A golden moon in the shape of a heart shined in the backdrop and painted the silhouettes of several characters. I remember browsing around for which game I wanted to take home for the weekend when I spotted the cover.
One of the best feelings as a kid was going here on Friday night, and while the adults looked for a movie for the whole family to watch, I took off to the back video game section.

In my case, the closest movie store was Movie Gallery or Family Video (RIP to some legends). For any of our younger readers, back in the day, there was this majestic place called Blockbuster.